Effie Pappa
Effie Pappa's world is one of tactile whimsy and true emotion. Working mainly in animation and stop-motion, her work explores characters and discusses universal human themes and concerns through allegory, absurdism and humour.
Her signature style has been sought after by big brands like Mailchimp and Klinex, looking to convey their stories in a truly unique way.
Oh - and Effie's music videos have garnerede more than 80 Million Youtube views.

Mailchimp – Boss Level Nerves
Effie Pappa

Klinex – I am here
Effie Pappa

Cat Stevens – Wild World
Effie Pappa

My Stuffed Granny
Effie Pappa

Mailchimp – Game Face
Effie Pappa

Foivos Delivorias – To Elefantaki
Effie Pappa

Mailchimp – Recipe for Success
Effie Pappa

Lego Movie Maker
Effie Pappa